
Saturday, June 2, 2012


Perry the Platypus is Phineas & Ferb pet, but he is also a secret agent and he is always popping up in surprising places. This time he did it on my son's birthday party cupcakes! :) Even that my son doesn't like cupcakes, I had to make them! And he love how they look and his friends finish them all. I found this idea on the Disney Family Go website, but I made my own version of this cute cupcakes.

To make the Perry Platypus figure I used: wafer cookies, blue marzipan, one marshmallow and black decorating gel. The muffins and the frosting are mixes from the grocery store.

First I divided some wafer cookies in half for the figure body and others I cut them in pieces of four for the figure nose. It wasn't easy trying not to eat the cookies!!

After rolling the marzipan I put the half cookies over and cut out the blue part for the body front.

Then I took small pieces of marshmallow and sticked on the marzipan and used the black decorating gel to make a little point for the eyes.

Finally I just pushed the figure on the cupcake and they were ready to enjoy the party.

The party is not over in Living Four Seasons house! Today we are celebrating 10 year catholic weeding anniversary and 5 months of blogging, in three weeks we have one more birthday and grandma Rosy is coming from Colombia. In the top of that I am going back to work next week.

Have a nice weekend,

PS. I save this one for you!
Thank you for all your comments and following Living Four Seasons.


  1. Så kule. Fantastiske bursdager du lager.
    Gratulerer med bryllupsdag og bloggdag.

    Fin helg til deg!
    - AC

  2. Kjempefine, og mykje arbeid tenker eg...;) Gratulerer med alt! God helg, klem Kjersti

  3. Oioi, så utrolig kule!
    Ønsker deg en god helg!

  4. Fantastisk!! Du er strålende! :-) ha en god helg! klem

  5. Muy bien! :) Dette var bare tøft - takk for tips! :) fant bloggen din via "i vinduskarmen" - og for en flott blogg dette var, masse inspirasjon og mye lekkert. Her vil jeg komme tilbake og se mer :)) ønsker deg en nydelig helg :)

  6. hehe, så morsomme cupcakes!
    Skikkelig kule:)
    Håper dåke koste dåke masse i går.

    Helsing Marianne

  7. Hei du!*smile*
    Beklager at det tok meg litt tid å svare...dessverre altfor lite tid tilgjengelig...så ting tar it at kommentarer hos meg verdsettes alltid..jeg prøver svare så godt jeg kan:)

    ...og du selvfølgelig! Jeg mener at du har funnet inspirasjon hos meg og vil lage innlegg og linke til meg er jo supert! Blir kjempe glad om du linker til meg jeg*smile*JIPPI!

    ...herlige muffins! Så kule!

    Ønker deg en flott helg!

  8. Wow, så kreativ du er!
    Disse må jeg merke meg som inspirasjon
    til barnebursdagene : )

    Gleder meg til å hilse på i Bergen!

  9. Det var stilige cupcakes. Inspirerende å se hvor flink du er til å mixe farger. Koselig å kikke innom. Ha en fin helg.


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